Explanations of Payoffs to Bourgeois


Payoff to H vs B.

Half the time the hawk facing the B will face a Bourgeois that owns and therefore a B playing Hawk. In this case, H will receive E(H,H).

The other half of the time, the H will face a B that does not own. In this case, when the conflict starts, the B will be acting as a dove and therefore the hawk gets E(H,D).

Payoff to D vs B.

Half the time the dove facing the B will face a B that owns and therefore a B playing Hawk. In this case, D will receive E(D,H).

The other half of the time, the D will face a B that does not own. In this case, when the conflict starts, the B will be acting as a dove and therefore the dove gets E(D,D).

Payoff to B vs H.

Half the time Bourgeois that owns and therefore a B plays Hawk. In this case, B will receive E(H,H).

The other half of the time, the B does not own. In this case, when the conflict starts, the B will be acting as a dove and therefore the B gets E(D,H).

Payoff to B vs D.

Half the time Bourgeois that owns and therefore a B plays Hawk against the incoming dove. In this case, B will receive E(H,D).

The other half of the time, the B does not own. In this case, when the conflict starts, the B will be acting as a dove and displays; it faces a dove that also displays . This is a dove-dove conflict and B gets E(D,D).

Payoff to B vs B (the only tricky one!!).

Half the time Bourgeois that owns and therefore a B it plays Hawk. Since the other B does not own, it plays dove.

The owning B will receive E(H,D).

The non-owning B gets E(D,H).

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 © 1997 by K.N. Prestwich (email: kprestwi@holycross.edu)

website: http://www.holycross.edu/departments/biology/website/biofaculty/bear.html

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last modified 10-17-97