Jeff White - Jefferson Bibliography
The Political Ideology
Thomas Jefferson's
Civic Architecture
Jeff White, '00


Dumbauld, Edward.  Thomas Jefferson, American Tourist.  Norman:
        University of  Oklahoma Press, 1976.

Ellis, Joseph J.  American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.
        New York: Vintage, 1996.

Hazelton, George C.  The National Capitol: Its Architecture, Art and
        History.  New York: J.F. Taylor & Company, 1902.

Kite, Elizabeth S.  L'Enfant and Washington: 1791-1992.  New York:
        Arno Press, 1970.

Library of Congress.  The Capitol: Symbol of Freedom: a Pictoral Story
        of the Capitol in general and the House of Representatives in particular.
        Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Office, 1956.

Norton, Paul F.  Latrobe, Jefferson, and the National Capitol.  New York:
        Garland, 1977.

Padover, Saul, ed.  Thomas Jefferson and the National Capitol.
        Washington, D.C.: U.S.  Government Printing Press, 1946.

Peterson, Merrill D., ed. Thomas Jefferson: A Profile.  New York:
        Hill & Wang, 1967.

Randall, William Sterne. Thomas Jefferson: A Life.  New York: Holt, 1993.

Rice, Howard C.  Thomas Jefferson's Paris.  Princeton: Princeton
        University Press, 1976.

Whiffen, Marcus.  The Public Buildings of Williamsburg.  Williamsburg:
        Colonial Williamsburg, 1958.

B. Articles:

"Daiker, Virginia.  "The Capitol of Jefferson and Latrobe."Quarterly
        Journal of the Library of Congress 32 (1975): 25-32.

Guinness, Desmond.  "Thomas Jefferson: Visionary Architect." Horizon,
        22 (1979): 51-55

Kimball, Fiske.  "Thomas Jefferson and the First Monument of
        the Classical Revival in America."  Journal of the American Institute
        of Architects (1915): vol. 3, no. 9.

Suro, Dario.  "Jefferson, The Architect." Americas 25 (1973): 29-35.

Waterman, Thomas.  "Thomas Jefferson: His Early Works in
        Architecture." Gazette des Beaux-arts (1943): vol. XXIV: 89-106.

Whiffen, Marcus.  "The Public Buildings of Williamsburg."  Williamsburg:
        Colonial Williamsburg, 1958.

Woods, Mary N.  "Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia:
        Planning the Academic Village."

Woods, Mary N.  "Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia:
        Planning the Academic Village." Journal of the Society of Architectural
        Historians 44 (1985): 266-83.