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Jaime Rebollo Alcántara (España)

Having Fun or Bothering Others?

     Have you ever enjoyed a typical Spanish “botellon/a”? If you haven’t heard about this Spanish phenomenon, let me tell you a little about it.

     Spending time outside in the streets with my friends, and being able to have a nice chat while grabbing a drink with them is one of my favorite hobbies. Although lately it’s a very controversial subject —whenever you have groups of people partying outside the authorities get suspicious—, young people in Spain (mostly in the South, where the weather is warmer) continue to go to the streets to meet their friends on Friday and Saturday nights. I have been going to “botellonas” since I was sixteen and plan to continue this habit as long as the government and my lifestyle permit.

     Taking into account that we are talking about an open event, that is, one in which you can find any type of person, adults and teenagers alike, from any social class or status, it has to be expected that you will find positive and negative elements there; but isn't everything in life like that? This universal and miscellaneous atmosphere that I so much enjoy is a double-edged sword that has to be dealt with thoughtfully. You must know where to go, but that is not something uncommon in our everyday life. Some people only focus on the negative aspects of this social event: the rubbish in the streets the day after, the noise made by the crowd, and the possible alcoholic habits teenagers may acquire if they are allowed to drink freely in the streets. Nevertheless, a solution to all these factors can be found if we think carefully about the matter.

     Most of the potential problems could be solved if the local authorities had the initiative to really create an area for young people. For instance, La Isla de la Cartuja in Seville (the former site of the World Expo) would be the perfect place to create an entertainment center especially for the city's youth. Discos, bowling alleys, pools, and maybe even a special area for “botellonas” could be established under the supervision of the police so that trouble could be avoided. The alcohol issue may be too complicated to be debated in this short article, but still, I would like to say that this is an issue of education and of our own responsibility rather than a matter of excessive freedom.

     In a “botellona,” you socialize with others, meet new people, and are able to talk with all of your friends. This is something you cannot do in a bar or pub, because either the music is too loud to talk, or there is not enough room for all your friends to fit inside. The cost is another important factor since any drink is much more expensive in a pub or bar compared to the price you would pay if you bought a bottle with a group of friends in a supermarket. Again, it’s not just about alcohol! There is no need to drink alcohol in a “botellona,” you can drink Coke, Fanta, or any non-alcoholic beverage, and the price would still be cheaper. The important part is being able to spend time with all of your friends, meet new people of your age, and have time to talk with others. If you want, you can go to discos or pubs after the “botellona,” to dance and continue the party.

     If you feel like enjoying this social event, buy drinks before 10 p.m. and find out where the “botellonas” are settled at the moment (the areas change depending on the season, basically due to the weather). If you are a foreigner, I am sure you will be very surprised by the view and will have a lot of fun.

     Clearly, the best option is not to forbid this unique Spanish event, but to improve its conditions and organization. To sum up (I don’t want to bore you): one of my favorite things to do is to hang out with my friends, and I strongly recommend the “botellona” as a means to relate with others and enjoy an open and active social life. So, if you plan on hanging out in Spain and going to one of them, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?

               ¤ ¤ ¤

Suspiros de lejanía

     Y ¿qué es la felicidad?, se preguntan…

     En el micromundo de mi existencia ser feliz es mirarte a los ojos y leerte el corazón a través de las pupilas; saborear tu piel con mis dedos y sentir escalofríos al soñar en tus caricias; estremecerme al escuchar tus dulces susurros deslizarse por mis oídos al tiempo que tu boca roza casi sin querer mi cuello; cerrar los párpados para ver el gentil tacto de tu suave amanecer y perderme en las aterciopeladas arenas de un delirio consciente; sentir tu peso desnudo en cada extremidad de mi cuerpo y fundirnos en un profundo e intenso abrazo hasta que se desorbiten nuestros latidos y el aire escape con dificultad entre nuestros cercanos labios; es tenerte simplemente cerca, a un palmo, para poder extender la mano y darme cuenta de que no eres una ilusión y de que este amor de fantasía que compartimos no es fruto de mi imaginación,… darme cuenta de que vivo un sueño del que no quiero despertar nunca.

      ¿Ser feliz? Ser feliz es saberte parte de mi vida y no sentirme vacío al no tenerte cerca; no sentir ese dolor en el pecho, encogido, ni tener que suspirar al infinito por notar que me falta el aire de tu presencia; no despertarme a media noche y hallar el hueco de tu cuerpo entre mis brazos; no derramar lágrimas de amor contenido por no poder regalarte la ternura y el cariño que rebosa por cada poro de mi piel.

      Ser feliz es ser consciente de la fortuna que poseo al conocerte y poder compartir contigo este caminar al que llaman vida. Ser feliz es saber que, a pesar de las piedras del camino, nos tenemos el uno al otro para apoyarnos si caemos, para regocijarnos en los momentos, tantos…, en que el cielo y el océano se unen en nuestro mirar. Ser feliz es surcar mi interior y sentir, sentir, SENTIR; tener tantas y tantas sensaciones indescriptibles y enriquecedoras que me esbozan en la cara una sonrisa eterna y que, de cuando en cuando, escapan por los ojos en forma de pequeñas gotitas de mar, albergando en ellas un universo de estrellas de gozo, paz y agradecimiento.

      Y ¿qué es la felicidad?, se preguntan.

      La felicidad es sentirme lleno de ti y divisar el horizonte desde el faro de nuestro amor.

vol. 2 (2005)
vol. 2 (2005)
© 2005 · fósforo
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