Exploring the Human Geography of Himalayan Waterways
by Geoffrey Wingard
Exploring the Human Geography of Himalayan Waterways

This unit is designed for teachers and students interested in the discipline of Human Geography and in the Himalayan region. 

  • Teachers will be able to progressively introduce the complex subject of human geography in the Himalayan culture area and human settlement along Himalayan waterways. 
  • Students will be able to go through the unit step-by-step to get a better understanding of the core skills involved in the practice of human geography and in content specific material related to human habitation of the Himalayas. 
  • Teachers and students will have access to a variety of Resources to use for further study and will have access to a selection of Maps for use in this project and in other settings.
Teachers Students

Historical Himalaya

This site was created by Matthew Foglia and Geoffrey Wingard of Bangor High School at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross.