Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region

Summer 2004

Name: Jared J. Procopio
Department: Social Studies


Lesson Plans



Mapping the Himalayan Region


Purpose: For students to begin to understand information about this region, it is extremely important that they are aware of its geographical location and its basic features. This lesson accomplishes both these things and will serve as a reference point throughout the unit on the Himalayan region.

Materials: Overhead Projectors, Oversized Paper, Markers, and Masking Tap, Overhead Transparencies of the Himalayan Region, and Atlases/ Mapping Resources (ie. textbook)

Procedure: For this lesson students will produce oversized maps of the Himalayan region.

Break the students into small groups. Each group will tape an oversized piece of paper to the wall and project the Himalayan region onto the piece of paper. Students will then trace the image onto the piece of paper. After the image is traced, the overhead projector can be turned off and the students will fill in the basic features of this region, using an atlas onto the paper.

Throughout the Himalayan unit, students will continually add information onto the map. In this way, the oversized maps will reflect what the students have learned in relation to the unit.


This site was created by Jared Procopio at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2004