Hindu Philosophy

It is not really accurate to discuss 'doctrine' in Hinduism, as Hinduism has no orthodox standard or governing body to determine what is correct belief. However, certain concepts are fundamental to understanding the Hindu universe and humanity's place in that universe.

The following lessons are designed to help students better understand central elements of Hindu philosophy, especially the concepts of karma, dharma, samsara and reincarnation, in a variety of ways.

Lesson 1- Foundational Concepts and Questions. This lesson includes an outline of concepts to introduce students to Hindu philosophy and questions that ask students to consider about how those concepts might shape a culture.

Lesson 2- The Chandogya Upanishad. This lesson encourages students to do a close reading of an Upanishad focused on the fundamental unity of the self and existence in Hinduism. It provides students with useful metaphors for understanding the relationship between Brahman and Atman; between the universal unity and the individual self.

Lesson 3- The Bhagavad Gita. This lesson asks students to reflect on Krishna's advice to Arjuna, especially as it applies to the ideas of dharma and devotion, as well as what it means for caste and social hierarchy.