literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayan region


Pick one of the following Hindu Gods or Nymphs for your Character Study.




1. Full Name


2. Nicknames


3. Age


4. Occupation


5. Status
a) How you feel about yourself as a Hindu God or Nymph?


b) How do others feel about you?




c) What is your status in HEAVEN?




6. Relationships with Humans: How do you as this particular Hindu God or Nymph "act" in relationship to King Dushyanta and Shakuntala?

a) King Dushyanta


b) Shakuntala



7. What is your relationship to your fellow gods, nymphs or heavenly helpers?

a) Menaka


b) Galava


c) Surata


d) Kashyapa


e) Aditi


f) Mishrakeshi


g) Matali



8. Who's music (from earth) influences you the most?



9. What do you LOVE to do as this particular Hindu God or Nymph(Action Verbs):





8. Physical Appearance: As this Hindu God or Nymph how would you physically manifest yourself into the following situations, and what would you do to help?

a) Saving a 15 year old gang member from being shot.




b) Intervening to prevent a 17 year old girl from an accidental drug overdose.




c) Helping a family confront their alcoholic father.




d) Preventing a hot tempered teacher from ranting on his students.





9.) Your Daily Routine as this Hindu God or Nymph:

Morning 5AM-12 Noon









Afternoon 12Noon-5PM







Evening 5 PM-10 PM











10) Describe Heaven










This site was created by Wendy Mapes at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.