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The Interactive Shakespeare Project is an outgrowth of a teaching institute hosted by the Folger Shakespeare Library and sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Folger brought us together, provided resources, access to the collection, and expertise. The NEH teaching institute was the brainchild of Lena Cowen Orlin who, with the assistance of Kathleen Lynch, wrote the grants, made the arrangements, and kept everything running smothly. We would like to thank the NEH, the Folger and especially Lena Orlin and Kathleen Lynch.

A number of essays and performance reviews included at the site have been previously published in the Threepenny Review, Shakespeare Quarterly, and the Shakespeare Bulletin. We gratefully acknowledge the editors of these journals for allowing us the privilege to post this material.

The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts has graciously sponsored the Interactive Shakespeare Project. The Hewlett-Mellon Presidential Discretionary Fund at Holy Cross has provided the requisite resources for software, research and technical assistance. Information Technology Services and the Audio-Visual Department have provided the expertise and equipment to create and maintain the Web Site. The enthusiasm and the endorsement of the Dean of the College, Stephen Ainlay, has been invaluable in bringing this project to fruition.

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