1. GENERAL HEADING: Warm-up Exercises

2. TITLE OF EXERCISE: "Indian Chief"

3. GOALS: To build concentration, alertness, and a group dynamic.

4. NUMBER OF STUDENTS: Group Exercise: unlimited maximum


6. CLASS TIME NEEDED: 10 - 30 minutes

7. STEP-BY-STEP-DESCRIPTION: Have the actors sit on the floor in a circle. Choose one student and have him or her leave the room. Then select one student to be the "Indian Chief." This student then initiates a group "mirror game" by making distinct movements (rubbing nose, wiping forehead, patting thighs, clapping, etc.) The actions should be distinct and should change regularly. The students in the circle are instructed to not look directly at the leader, but to pick up cues from each other. The student who has left the room is then let back in. The student must then identify who is the "initiator." Keep an eye on your watch. Give the person who came in a maximum of one minute to make a choice. Give him or her three chances. The first few times, the person coming in will quickly identify the "Chief," but after a while the students will get better at picking up cues and working collectively. Eventually (if exercise is working properly), the person coming into the room will be stymied. This failure is a mark of success.

8. POINTS FOR OBSERVATION, DISCUSSION: The importance of concentration. The creation of group dynamic. The importance of observation.

9. SOURCE/REFERENCE: An old drinking game.....