Directions to Major Sites on Campus
The following walking directions to major sites on campus begin at the visitor parking area, outside of the Hogan Campus Center. If you need handicap access to any of the buildings listed, please call public safety at (508) 793-2224.
Driving Directions
Are you visiting the Admissions Office?
Are you visiting the campus for other purposes (campus event, job interview, conference)?
Are you visiting the Fenwick Theatre?
Walking Directions
- Admissions
- Brooks Concert Hall
- Cantor Art Gallery (O’Kane Hall)
- Dinand Library
- Fenwick Theatre (O’Kane Hall)
- Hart Center
- Hogan Campus Center/Hogan Ballroom
- Human Resources (O'Kane Hall)
- Mary Chapel
- McFarland Center (Smith Hall)
- Kimball Hall
- O’Kane Hall
- Rehm Library (Smith Hall)
- Public Safety (O'Kane Hall)
- Seelos Theater (Kimball Hall)
- Smith Wellness Center (Hart Center)
- St. Joseph Memorial Chapel
For directions to the admissions office please see: http://www.holycross.edu/admissions/contact/directions.html
Brooks Concert Hall
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the right, cross the road and head past Smith Hall. Proceed down the first set of stairs after Smith. At the bottom of the stairs, the building facing you is Fenwick Hall, which houses the concert hall. The entrance to the John E. Brooks, S.J., Center for Music is on your left, also marked with a sign above the door. The Brooks Concert Hall is located on the second floor of the building.
Cantor Art Gallery (in O’Kane Hall)
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the left, cross the road and head stright toward the library. Follow the steps to the right of the library down to Linden Lane. O’Kane Hall, the building with the clock tower, will be on the right. Proceed up the stairs in front of the building. The Cantor Art Gallery will be facing you as soon as you enter through the doors.
Dinand Library
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the left, cross the road and head stright toward the library, a large brick building.
Fenwick Theatre (in O’Kane Hall)
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the left, cross the road and head stright toward the library. Follow the steps to the right of the library down to Linden Lane. O’Kane Hall, the building with the clock tower, will be on the right. Proceed up the stairs in front of the building. Once in the building, walk left past the “Admissions” sign and up the stairs to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, walk through the double doors. You can enter the theatre through either the door on the left or the right.
Hart Center, Smith Wellness Center
The Hart Center and Smith Wellness Center are located north of the Hogan Campus Center directly across the parking lot from the Hogan Campus Center.
Hogan Campus Center/Hogan Ballroom
As you enter the campus, the Hogan Campus Center is the second building on the left with the silver cross on it. You will find yourself on the third floor entering Hogan. If you have an engagement on another floor, you may take either the stairs or elevator to reach your destination.
The Hogan Campus Center is the site of the Hogan Ballroom. The ballroom is conveniently located on the third floor of the building.
Kimball Hall, Seelos Theater
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the right, cross the road and head past Smith Hall. Proceed down the first set of stairs after Smith. At the bottom of the stairs, past St. Joseph Chapel to your right, and follow another set of stairs entering into a quadrangle. The building facing you with the large smoke stack is Kimball Hall. Entrance to the Kimball Dining Hall can be found at the front of the building.
Entrance to Seelos Theater can be found on the first door on the right side of the building.
O’Kane Hall (Human Resources, Public Safety)
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the left, cross the road and head stright toward the library. Follow the steps to the right of the library down to Linden Lane. O’Kane Hall, the building with the clock tower, will be on the right. Walk to the left of O’Kane Hall, where you will see a free standing clock with a set of stairs behind it. Enter through the door with the “Public Safety” sign and head up the short set of stairs.
Rehm Library, Smith Hall (McFarland Center)
Proceed down the staircase to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the right, cross the road and head straight toward Smith Hall. Rehm Library is on your right as soon as you enter Smith Hall.
St. Joseph Memorial Chapel, Mary Chapel
Proceed down the stairs to the right of the Hogan Campus Center. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the walkway to the right, cross the road and head past Smith Hall. Proceed down the first set of stairs after Smith. At the bottom of the stairs, you will see St. Joseph Chapel to your right.
Mary Chapel is located at the right of St. Joseph Chapel. Follow the flight of stairs to the right of St. Joseph Chapel to enter into Mary Chapel.