Run the "War of Attrition" Simulation
Browsers: The War of Attrition simulation has been thoroughly tested using Netscape v4.x (up to 4.5) and Internet Explorer v4.x and 5 beta.
Please note that if you use an earlier version of Netscape, this simulation may not work properly or at all (especially on a Mac). If you use version 3.x of Internet Explorer, the simulation works but certain features (colors etc.) will not appear as I intended. The war of attrition is compliant with Java release 1 (to allow it to work with the broadest range of machines).
Mac and Windows Versions: There are slight differences in the way Java works on Macs and Windows32 machines. These mainly have to do with window and window component sizes.
Please select you platform; pressing this link will load the appropriate applet:
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