Theatre 101 — Basic Acting Fall, spring
This course offers through classroom exercises, improvisations, and performance of scenes from plays an approach to understanding, appreciating, and practicing the art of acting and theatre. One unit.
Theatre 135 — Comedy on Stage and Screen Alternate years
This course provides students with a theoretical foundation for a variety of styles of comedy. Students analyze plays and films and apply comic theory to them. The first half of the semester is devoted to establishing key concepts in the evolving theory of comedy. The second half of the semester focuses on specific comic styles and their conventions. The written work is tiered so that students can increase their mastery of comic theory and apply it to the assigned films and plays. One unit.
Theatre 145 — Gay Theatre and Film Alternate years
Gay Theatre and Film is designed to examine how art (specifically film and theatre) helps us define ourselves, both collectively and individually. Films and plays from different periods and cultures allow the students to examine the evolution of the human condition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered populations. One unit.
Theatre 161 — Theatre History 1: Classical to Romantic Alternate years
This course studies eastern and western theatre periods before 1900, including Classical Greek, Medieval, Renaissance, Kabuki, Neoclassical, and Romantic. Readings include plays by Euripides, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Calderon, Molière, Montzaemon, Schiller, Boucicault, and others. One unit.
Theatre 162 — Theatre History 2: Modern and Contemporary Alternate years
This course studies western and African theatre after 1900 including realism, naturalism, expressionism, epic theatre, metatheatre, and theatre of the absurd. Readings include plays by Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, Chekhov, Lorca, Brecht, Ionesco, Pirandello, Beckett, Soyinka, Pinter, Churchill, McPherson, and others.