History 205:

United States in the Twentieth Century I (1900-1945) 

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Written Assignments

Course Calendar

Yuhl's Main Page

WWI Propaganda


From the turn-of-the-twentieth-century to the end of the Second World War, the United States of America experienced dramatic changes that thrust the nation onto the center stage of the modern era.  Many contemporary debates about American domestic culture, national identity and the United States’  proper place in world politics locate their origins in this formative time.  Utilizing primary and secondary sources concerning the major themes of this period -- industrialization and Empire,  race, gender, class and ethnic relations, capitalism and consumer culture, economic depression, war and democracy -- students will examine the process of  America’s modernization.  Throughout the course, student will be asked to think critically about the wide variety of historical experiences among ordinary Americans, as well as the often contradictory relationship between espoused democratic ideals and lived realities. 

This course  features a combination of lectures and group discussions.   In addition, students will be divided into two smaller discussion sections which will meet separately, as noted below, with the professor for in-depth conversation and analysis of the assigned reading.  Attendance is mandatory and roll will be taken daily.  You are here to engage with historical ideas, primary source materials, the professor and each other, so come prepared and enthused.