HIST 206: 

United States in the Twentieth Century II (1945-Present)

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Required Texts

Written Assignments

Course Calendar

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Unit One: A Cold War
Unit Two: Post War Culture: Consensus and Challenge
Unit Three: Vietnam and the Domestic Crisis of Authority
Unit Four: The Resurgence of the Right

Unit One: A Cold War

     Week One:
     1.  Introduction

     2.  Prologue: 1900-1945
Reading: The Unfinished Journey pp.  3-30

     Week Two:
     1.  Origins of the Cold War
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapter 2;
History of Our Time pp.  7-13

     2.  Containment
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapter 3; 
History of Our Time pp.  14-40

     3.  The Age of McCarthyism
Reading: The Unfinsihed Journey Chapter 4; 
History of Our Time pp.  41-67

     Week Three:
     1.  Living with the Bomb
Writing: Cold War Reaction/Reflection
Video Clip: “The Atomic Café”

     2.   Discussion Section I – Cold War America
Reading: TUJ chapters, HOOT essays and documents, and video as assigned above

     3.    Discussion Section II – Cold War America
Reading: TUJ chapters, HOOT essays and documents, and video as assigned above

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Unit Two: Post War Culture: Consensus and Challenge

     Week Four:
     1.   The Affluent Society
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapter 5; 
History of Our Time pp.  93-107

     2.  1950s Images of American Women & the American Family
Debate Teams Introductions
Visual Exercise: From magazines, newspapers, and other visual and material culture sources, students must bring in two images – one of the American Woman and the other of the American Family, to class for analysis. Images will be handed in to the professor at the end of class.

     3.  “Mainstream” Culture and Its Discontents
Reading: Kerouac, On The Road & Allen Ginsburg, “HOWL” (handout)

     Week Five:
     1.  Discussion Section I: Beat Culture
Reading: Jack Kerouac, On The Road

     2.  Discussion Section II: Beat Culture
Reading: Jack Kerouac, On The Road 

     3.  The Brown Decision and the Early the Civil Rights Movement
Reading: The Unfinsihed Journey Chapter 6

     Week Six:
     1.  Early Civil Rights Movement Continued: The Struggle in Black & White
Video Clip: “Eyes on the Prize” (Freedom Rides)

     2.  Martin Luther King, SNCC and Political Responses to the Civil Rights Movement

     3.  Discussion Section I: An Intimate View of American Racism
Reading: Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi

     Week Seven:
     1.  Discussion Section II: An Intimate View of American Racism 
Reading: Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi

     2.  Disillusionment & Black Power Emerge (MDFP)

     3.  Visions of Racial Justice: Martin, Bayard and Malcolm (Class Discussion)
Reading: History of Our Time pp.  139-193.
Due: Kerouac & Moody Essay (5-7 pages)

Spring Break- Enjoy!

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Unit Three: Vietnam and the Domestic Crisis of Authority

     Week Eight:
     1.  Liberal Consensus
Reading: History of Our Time pp.  71-92

     2.  Class Discussion: LBJ & JFK Reconsidered
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapters 7 & 8; 
History of Our Time pp.  108-138

     3.  The War in Vietnam
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapters 9 & 10

     Week Nine:
     1.  Life as a Grunt in Vietnam 
Reading: Michael Herr, Dispatches
Video Clip: “Dear America” 

     2.  Discussion Section I: The Vietnam War
Reading: Michael Herr, Dispatches
Due for Section I: Herr Critical Review (4-6 pages)

     3.  Discussion Section II: The Vietnam War
Reading: Michael Herr, Dispatches
Due for Section II: Herr Critical Review (4-6 pages)

     Week Ten:
     1.  Crisis of Authority and 1968
Reading: TUJ Chapters 11 &  12; HOOT 291-359

     2.  Class Discussion: Student Antiwar Radicalism
Video: “Berkeley in the Sixties” (you must attend one of two class viewings will scheduled outside of class time)

     3.  Battling for Gender & Sexual Equality 

     Week Eleven:
     1.  Discussion Section I: The Challenge to Sexism
Reading: History of Our Time Part 4

     2. Discussion Section II: The Challenge to Sexism
Reading: History of Our Time Part 4


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Unit Four: The Resurgence of the Right

     3.  Nixon and Watergate
Reading: The Unfinised Journey Chapters 13 & 14; 
History of Our Time pp.  367-392

     Week Tweleve:
     1.  1970s Society & Politics 

     2.  Debate teams meet in Dinand Library for directed research 

Easter Break - Enjoy!

     Week Thirteen:
     1.  Class Discussion: Internment
Reading: “Executive Order 9066” at http://www.children-of-the-camps.org/history/documents.html and browse some San Francisco News articles at http://www.sfmuseum.org/war/evactxt.html 
Video: Estelle Ishigo “Days of Waiting” 

     2.  Revival of Conservatism & The End of the Cold War (80s-90s)
Reading: The Unfinished Journey Chapters 15, 16 & Epilogue; 
History of Our Time pp.  393-410.
Due: Analytical Essay on Family History (7-10 pages)

     3.  Revival of Conservatism & The End of the Cold War (80s-90s) cont’d

Week Fourteen:
     1.  Class Discussion: The Professional Middle Class, Leaner & Meaner
Reading: Barbara Ehrenreich, Fear of Falling

     2.  Debate Team 1
Due: Write-up

     3.   Deabte Team 2
Due: Write-up 

     Week Fifteen:
     1.  Debate Team 3
Due: Write-up