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Gardens and ghettos : the art of Jewish life in Italy / DS135 I8 +G37 1989 University of California Press, c1989. Gardiner, Muriel, Code name "Mary" : memoirs of an American woman in the Austrian underground / DB97 .G37 1983 Yale University Press, c1983. Garfinkels, Betty. Les Belges face à la persécution raciale. 1940-1944. D810.J4 G37 Éditions de l'Institut de sociologie de l'Université libre de Bruxelles (1965) Garfinkels, Betty. Belgique, terre d'accueil : problème du réfugié : 1933-1940 / HV640.4.B4 G37 Labor, 1974. Gartland, Patricia Ann Farrant. Out of the burning : response to the Holocaust / PN56.H55 G37 1981a 1981. Gay, Ruth. The Jews of Germany : a historical portrait / DS135 G3 +G32 1992 Yale University Press, c1992. Geier, Arnold. Heroes of the Holocaust / D804.3 .G44 1993 Londonbooks/USA, c1993. Gelissen, Rena Kornreich, Rena's promise : a story of sisters in Auschwitz / D805.P7 G45 1995 Beacon Press, c1995. Gellert, Charles Lawrence. The Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews : motion pictures in the National Archives / DS115.95 Z9 +G45 1989 Published for the National Archives and Records Administration by the National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1989. Gellott, Laura S., The Catholic Church and the authoritarian regime in Austria, 1933-1938 / BX1517 .G45 1987 Garland Pub., 1987. Gender, patriarchy, and fascism in the Third Reich : the response of women writers / PT405 .G45 1993 Wayne State University Press, c1993. Generations of the Holocaust / D810.J4 G46 1982 Basic Books, c1982. Genocide and human rights : a global anthology / HM281 .G43 1982 University Press of America, c1982. Genocide and retribution : the Holocaust in Hungarian-ruled northern Transylvania / DS135.R72 T74 1983 Kluwer-Nijhoff ; Distributors for North America, Kluwer Boston, c1983. Genocide and the modern age : etiology and case studies of mass death / D445 .G36 1987 Greenwood Press, 1987. Genocide, critical issues of the Holocaust : a companion volume to the film, Genocide / D810.J4 G47 1983 Simon Wiesenthal Center ; Rossel Books, 1983. Genocide in the twentieth century : critical essays and eyewitness accounts / HV6322.7 .G455 1995 Garland Pub., 1995. Genocide : the critical bibliographic review / HV6542 .G45 1988 Facts on File Publications, c1988- Georg, Willy. In the Warsaw Ghetto : summer 1941 / DS135 P62 +W269 1993 Aperture, c1993. Gerlach-Praetorius, Angelika. Die Kirche vor der Eidesfrage. Die Diskussion um den Pfarrereid im "3. Reich." BR856 .G44 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967. The German church struggle and the Holocaust. BR856 .I57 1970 Wayne State University Press, 1974. Germans and Jews since the holocaust : the changing situation in West Germany / DS135.G332 G42 1986 Holmes & Meier, 1986. Germany (East). Ausschuss für Deutsche Einheit. The truth about Oberlander; brown book on the criminal fascist past of Adenauer's minister. 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The Holocaust in Hungary : forty years later / DS135.H9 H59 1985 Social Science Monographs : Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1985. The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : studies and sources on the destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR, 1941-1945 / DS135.R92 H64 1993 M.E. Sharpe, c1993. The Holocaust in university teaching / D804.3 .H647 1991 Pergamon Press, 1991. Holocaust literature : a handbook of critical, historical, and literary writings / D804.3 .H6475 1993 Greenwood Press, 1993. Holocaust poetry / PN6110.H45 H65 1995 St. Martin's Press, 1995. The Holocaust : problems and perspectives of interpretation / D804.3 .H648 1992 D.C. Heath, c1992. A Holocaust reader / D810.J4 H65 Behrman House, c1976. Holocaust : religious and philosophical implications / D804.3 .H649 1989 Paragon House, 1989. The Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes / D 810 J4 +H655 Suppl. Garland Publishing, 1981] Holocaust studies annual. 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Last updated August 21, 1996