1. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, 13th century.
2. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, “Royal” portals, 1145-55. God in Time, God beyond Time, and God before Time
3. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, Old Testament Kings and Queens, 1145-55.
4. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, Old Testament Kings and Queens, right, 1145-55.
5. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, detail of attached columns under figures on the right, 1145-55.
6. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, right, detail of heads, 1145-55.
7. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, detail of attached columns under figures on the left, 1145-55.
8. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, detail of lower sections of two figures on the left, 1145-55.
9. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, left portal, figures to the left, 1145-55.
10. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal, tympanum showing the Apocalyptic Christ [Revelations 4] surrounded by the four beast which became the Four Symbols of the Evangelists, Matthew/ Man; Mark/Lion; Luke/Bull; John/Eagle, referring to the opening texts of each of the Gospels, 1145-55. God beyond Time.
11. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, central portal tympanum, detail, adoring angels (first row) and Elders of the Apocalypse, [Revelations 5:8] 1145-55.
12. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, left portal, Ascension of Christ (also identified as the Creation), 1145-55. God in Time.
13. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, left portal, Ascension, detail, 1145-55.
14. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, left portal, detail, Signs of the Zodiac [Cancer and Aries], Labors of the Months [harvesting grain and pruning vines] 1145-55.
15. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, right portal, Incarnation of Christ, 1145-55. God before Time
16. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, right portal, tympanum, detail, Throne of Wisdom, 1145-55.
17. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, right portal, the Liberal Arts [Theory: Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric and Subjects: Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music] in the archivolts: Music above Classical scholar Pythagoras and Grammar above Classical scholar Priscian or Donatus, 1145-55.
18. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, right portal, the Liberal Arts in the archivolts, Dialectic above Aristotle, also Gemini, a sign of the Zodiac, 1145-55.
19. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, right portal, frieze, Supper at Emmaus, 1145-55.
20. Chartres Cathedral, west facade, left portal, Massacre
of the Innocents, 1145-55.