2 Naumburg, Cathedral. West Choir Screen 1245-60, detail of scenes of Christ's Passion.
3 Naumburg, Cathedral. West Choir Screen 1245-60. Grill opening to choir
4 Naumburg, Cathedral. West Choir Screen 1245-60. Body of Crucified Christ on central post of opening to choir
5 Naumburg, Cathedral. West Choir Screen 1245-60. Mourning Virgin on side of opening to choir, to the right of the figure of Christ.
6 Naumburg, Cathedral. West, Exterior view of choir (west) 1245-60.
7 Naumburg, Cathedral. Interior of Choir, wall to south
8 Naumburg, Cathedral. Interior of Choir, wall to north
9 Naumburg, Cathedral. Interior of Choir, wall to north, detail of Ekekhard of Meissen and his wife Uta
10 Naumburg, Cathedral. First West Choir window 1245-60, Bishops and Deacons
11 Naumburg, Cathedral. First West Choir window 1245-60, Bishop
12 Naumburg, Cathedral. First West Choir window 1245-60, Deacon
13 Naumburg, Cathedral. Second West Choir window 1245-60, Apostles and Personifications of Virtues triumphing over adversaries and Vices.
14 Naumburg, Cathedral. Second West Choir window 1245-60, Apostle and adversary
15 Naumburg, Cathedral. Second West Choir window 1245-60, Virtue and Vice
16 Naumburg, Cathedral. Third West Choir window 1245-60, Female Saints and Saintly Knights: Female Saint
17 Naumburg, Cathedral. Third West Choir window 1245-60,
Female Saints and Saintly Knights: A Knight