SAINT PHILIBERT DE GRANDLIEU (FRANCE; Brittany)  The relics of St. Philibert (died about 684) were venerated in this early medieval church located near the coast and the modern city of Nantes.  St. Philibert was an abbot venerated for his work in founding monasteries.  Typical of Carolingian churches, the reverenced saint is placed in a tomb below the altar and accessible to the faithful by stairs leading to a small circular passage called a confessio.

1. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100  Exterior south front

2. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100   Exterior south rear

3. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100  Plan

4. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100   Interior south

5. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100 Altar area and confessio below

6. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. 800-1100 entrance to confessio

7. Saint Philibert de Grandlieu (France)  c. c. 800-1100  confessio and view of tomb: groin vault is overhead. This was the only vaulted segment of the original structure.