Château-sur-Mer, 1852, enlarged in 1871-78, front. Architect of second phase, William Morris Hunt, working for owners George Peabody Wetmore and Edith Keteltas Wetmore. Family fortune first acquired in China trade, then banking and real estate.
Château-sur-Mer, 1852, enlarged in 1871-78, view from rear of house.
Château-sur-Mer, 1852. “Moon gate” at the rear of the property that once overlooked the sea but now has a view of the Watts-Sherman house, one of the key monuments in the development of the “Shingle Style” architecture by Henry Hobson Richardson (1870s).
Château-sur-Mer, entrance stair, 1873,
Stained glass in aesthetic style by W. J McPherson & Co., Boston.
One of four bronze and gilt torchères in form of Japanese maiden,
French ca. 1890. Photograph by David Bohl by courtesy of the Preservation
Society of Newport County.