Related WEB Sites
Honors Program Seminar - Spring 2001
Prof. Bill Ziobro - Dept. of Classics
"Thomas Jefferson: An American Classical Architect"
Thomas Jefferson by Gilbert Stuart
University of Virginia - Rotunda (1825)

A. General:

Architecture Electronic Archive Center: The Architecture of Thomas Jefferson

Biography of Jefferson

Biography and bibliography

Comprehensive annotated bibliography

Exhibition on Jefferson's Writings

B. Architectural Works:

      1. Monticello:

plan, descriptions of rooms, color renderings and QuickTime views of rooms

View, description and bibliography

      2. State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia:

        Discussion, with views of Maison Carrée and model of it

Views of Maison Carrée, Nîmes, France, inspiration for State Capitol, Virginia

      3. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia:

views, model, description and bibliography
Discussion of University of Virginia's design as "the physical model of Jefferson's cultural and educational ideals"