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Jorge Santos, English

To the Father

     It was not I you forgot, pero los vivos
     My son, their sons, todos los hijos,
     Who will push back through deserts of memory
     To you, our Adam, y nosotros, your Cains, your Abels
     Your mythology writ into our marrow, our bone
     Adentro nuestra sangre. Adentro mi corazón.
     The multitude will reach back to one moment,
     In which you begat us. Tú eres quien nosotros somos,
     We are the latest of you. Y los últimos.
     We will find the first in line, you, our Adam,
     And end the red line that keeps us in the eternal past,
     I am all of those sons, and, as you are eternally in me,
     I grow impatient for the Cains and Abels of my own undoing.

               ¤ ¤ ¤

In the brightness, mourn

     I return, forgotten.
     My resolution shadowed by love unblessed.
     Nothing begins again as I return into myself.
     I reclaim my tattered cares
     Once exchanged for His scattered caress.

     A wind blows down from the battlements,
     And brings back my once departed senses.
     Without His gentle hand
     Across my wounds, across my neck,
     Restless, my regrets return relentless.

     I am left with a hollow, barren chest.
     Which from all I had safe kept
     For Him to crawl into and rest.
     But morning came, and out He crept
     Leaving an empty wind and an empty nest.

     Oh, mourning that has found me.
     Oh, mourning born of dawn.
     Oh, abandoned mourning
     Finds me lover sans Beloved,
     My hope for resurrection gone.

     There He was,
     Waiting in the promised place,
     Where He promised we would stay.
     The dark of night had blinded me,
     More than the light of day.

     None will know of our secret night,
     As I will never know why He did depart.
     I was beheld by none,
     As I was held by One,
     Nor now, As I crawl back into my burning heart.

     I reenter my house of unrest,
     Dark and concealed at my behest.
     I ascend my secret ladder,
     And drape myself with a familiar darkness,
     Waiting for me inside my breast.

     On this bright morning,
     Smoldering with a night of passion and ashes,
     With the persistence of the damned,
     I reenter myself, unseen, unheard,
     To await another night of second chances.

vol. 12 (2015)
vol. 12 (2015)
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