Cristi Rinklin, Visual Arts Introduction
to the Silhouette Project for Honors 299
The stories, "The
South" and "The Secret Miracle," by Jorge Luis Borges both allude to an
internal, psychological world that perhaps exists between life and death. As
these events may or may not be real, intangible forms, such as shadows, become
effective visual metaphors to represent them. In this project, students used
black paper cutout silhouettes to create a narrative image inspired from one of
these two stories. Students were also asked to integrate text from the story
into the image. In some cases, a single quote was highlighted, such as "In his
dreams there was the rushing momentum of the train," in Joseph Kramkowski's
piece, while in others the text became a patterned backdrop, as seen in the
work of Marielle McKenna and Lauren Hammer . Students were drawn to the rich
visual metaphors in the stories, such as the train in "The South" and the clock
in "The Secret Miracle." Because the works of Borges offer rich and vivid
imagery, his stories lend themselves beautifully to dynamic visual
interpretations. |