Week Three
Monday July 6th |
Morning Program

Expert Presentation: Prof. Leonard van der Kuijp
The History of Tibet through the Modern Period
Core Readings:
Melvyn Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997)
Matthew Kapstein, The Tibetans, 269-300
Martin Brauen, “The Dalai Lamas” (ERES)
Further Readings:
Melvyn Goldstein, A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-195. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1989
A History of Modern Tibet, II: 1951-1955. Berkeley: Univ. of California, 2007.
Afternoon Program

Expert Presentation: Prof. Dina Bangdel, Virginia Commonwealth University
Art and Architecture of Nepal and Tibet
Powerpoint - Art of Tibet
Powerpoint - Art of Newar Buddhism
Powerpoint - Contemporary Tibetan Art
Core Readings:
Further Readings:
Mary Slusser, Nepal Mandala (Princeton University Press, 1982).
Marylin M. Rhie and Robert Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet (New York: Harry Abrams, 1996).
David and Janice Jackson, Tibetan Thangka Painting: Methods and Materials. 2nd ed. (Ithaca: Snow Lion Press, 1988).
Tuesday July 7th |
Morning Program

Expert Presentation: Charles Ramble, Oxford University
Mustang, a Frontier Kingdom in Nepal and the Bön-Buddhism Nexus
Powerpoint Slides
Core Readings:
Afternoon Program

Expert Presentation: Anne de Sales, C. National de la Recherché Scientifique
Himalayan Shamanism and Buddhism
Powerpoint slides
Core Readings:
Mumford, Stan Royal. Himalayan Dialogue: Tibetan Lamas and Gurung Shamans in Nepal. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, chapters 3-7
Further Readings:
Wednesday July 8th |
Morning Program

Expert Presentation: Prof. Todd Lewis
Hinduism and Buddhism in Nepal; Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley
Powerpoint Hindu-Buddhist Relations
Powerpoint Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley
Core Readings:
Todd Lewis, "Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley: Ethnic Boundaries and Religious History" Journal of Asian and African Studies 38, 1989, 31-57. (ERES)
Afternoon Program

Expert Presentation: Dr. Sarah LeVine, Harvard University
Buddhism in the Kathmandu Valley Today: Theravada Householders & Nuns
Powerpoint Slides
Core Readings:
Sarah LeVine and David Gellner, Rebuilding Buddhism: The Theravada Movement in Twentieth-Century Nepal. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005.) Chapters 1, 9 (ERES)
Sarah LeVine, in “The Saint of Kathmandu: Treading Where the Buddha Trod,” in Sarah LeVine, The Saint of Kathmandu and Other Tales of the Sacred in Distant Lands. Beacon Press, 2008. (ERES)
Further Readings:
Ellison Banks Findly, ed. Women’s Buddhism, Buddhism’s Women: Tradition, Revision, Renewal. Wisdom Publications, 2000.
Thursday July 9th |
Morning Program

Expert Presentation: Prof. Gray Tuttle, Columbia University
Tibetan Buddhism in Chinese History
Ethnic Diversity in China
Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing
Tibetan Buddhism at Wutaishan
Core Readings:
Further Readings:
Patricia Berger. 1994. Preserving the Nation: The Political Uses of Tantric Art in China. In Latter Days of the Law: Images of Chinese Buddhism 85-1850. Lawrence: Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas. pp. 89-125. (ERES)
Grey Tuttle, "An Unknown Tradition of Chinese Conversion to Tibetan Buddhism: Chinese Incarnate Lamas and Parishioners of Tibetan Buddhist Temples in Amdo." In Negotiating Identity Amongst the Religious Minorities in Asia.Edited by Avrum Ehrlich. Lieden: Brill. Forthcoming. (ERES)
_____. "Shambhala: The Politics of Messianic Tibetan Buddhism in Modern China." In L'image du Tibet aux XIXeme-XXeme siecles/ The Image of Tibet in the 19th and 20th centuries. Edited by Monica Esposito. Paris: Ecole Françoise de Extreme-Orient. 2009. (ERES)
_____. "Translating Buddhism from Tibetan to Chinese in early 20th Century China (1931-1951)." In Buddhism between China and Tibet. Matthew Kapstein, ed. Boston: Wisdom. 2009: 241-279. (ERES)
Afternoon Program
Expert Presentation: Prof. David Germano, University of Virginia
Workshop on Web Resources on the Tibetan and Himalayan Regions
Tibetan Buddhism from 1950 and Today
Core Readings:
Melvyn Goldstein, et al. The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1997).
Evening Program |
Farewell Dinner: New England Dinner |
Friday July 10th |
Morning Program

Expert Presentation: Prof. Todd Lewis
Teaching the Dharma with Traditional Biographies of the Buddha and Story Narratives
Powerpoint Slides
Core Readings:
- Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal Chapters 2, 3 and 5.
- Readings from the Jātakas, in translations from Nepal and Tibet (ERES)
Afternoon Program

Forum: Profs. Lewis, van der Kuijp, Germano
Incorporating Himalayan Buddhism-s into the Undergraduate Courses |
Saturday July 11th |
Check-out from Residence Hall |