Welcome to Kathmandu, Nepal! Before you begin, print out this page
of questions. Then, click the link below. It will open a new
browser window. Answer the questions using the Nepal web site.
When you're ready, print out this page, and then click below. When
you are finished, scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to your next
destination. Good luck!
1. Summarize the unique features of Mahayana Buddhism.
2. Open the "Teachings" section of the Foundation for the Preservation
of Mahayana Buddhism web site. What does the Dalai Lama feel about
violence in the world?
3. Click "Nepal's Culture and Religion". List the groups of people
who immigrated to Nepal since 1000 BCE.
4. What is Nepal's current form of government?
5. What two religions are most prevalent in Nepal?
To move on to your next destination, Bhutan, click the map below.