Name Susan Barton Young
School Deering High School
Project Title Kali: Cross-Cultural (Mis)Understandings


Chapter Outline

Chapter 1
Isobe & dying wife; introduction to idea of reincarnation.
Chapter 2
Introductory meetings of those going on the pilgrimage to India.
Chapter 3
Flashback to Mitsuko’s days at University with Otsu:  introduction to ideas of Christianity; Mitsuko’s sense of inner waste-land.
Chapter 4
Introduction of Numada, a children’s book writer.
Chapter 5
Introduction to Kiguchi, a Burma trail survivor, and the Christ-figure Gaston, a male nurse in a Japanese hospital.
Chapter 6
Mitsuko’s arrival in India; flashback to Otsu’s letters about his struggles with Christianity as he seeks Western ordination. 
Introduction of Goddess Kali (in relation to Mitsuko)
Chapter 7
 Enami (the tour guide) shows group some Kali (Chamunda) sites.
Chapter 8
Interrelationships of the pilgrims:  Mitsuko-Kiguchi-Numada-Isobe.
Chapter 9
Murder of Indira Gandhi; Mitsuko’s search for Otsu at the ghats.
Chapter 10
Description of Otsu’s job:  carrying dying people to the ghats
Chapter 11
Otsu’s reflection on his job, his faith, his life.
Chapter 12
Kiguchi talking to Mitsuko; Numada releasing his “substitute” bird
Chapter 13
What happens when an insensitive Japanese tourist tries to photograph a death rite; Otsu’s intervention, sacrificial death.


This site was created by (Susan Barton Young) at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006