Pure Land of Manjushri -Manjushri is the bodhisattva of transcendent wisdom and emancipation. -He is a youthful prince. -In his left hand he carries a double edged sword, with which he can cut through illusion. In his right hand he grasps a lotus which holds a sutra. -As stated in the sutras, Manjushri has a pure land where he is Buddha. -There is a palace behind his head. Behind the palace is the pure land as shown by the diamond patterns. -At the very top of the image is Padma Sambhava. To the left and right of Manjushri are Shakyamuni Buddha and the Medicine Buddha. -On the bottom of he page from left to right are Green Tara, Kubera, the god of wealth, Vasudhara, and White Tara. -In the courtyard are bodhisattvas. |
This site was created by Sarah Rowe at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008. |