-This Buddha is an emanation of Shakyamuni Buddha.

-On the two white panels below Buddha's throne are peacocks. Peacock feathers are medicinal because they are an antidote to snake poison.

-The Buddha's teachings are the medicine for human stupidity.

-To the right and left of the Buddha are Suryprabha and Chandraprabha, two bodhisattvas.

-There are five dhyani buddhas above the Buddha. Their symbolism is as follows-Vairochana-white-all encompassing wisdom,
Akshobhya-blue-mirror like wisdom,
Ratnasambhava-yellow-wisdom of equality,
Amitabha-red-discriminating wisdom,
Amogasiddhi-green-all accomplishing wisdom

-There are two arhats on carpets behind the Buddha. Arhats are people who have followed the Buddha throughout history. The Arhat on the left is Bakula. The arhat on the right is Rahulabhadra. Arhats are important in Tibetan history because they aided in the healing of the King of Kham in eastern Tibet.

-Contained in the bowls at the bottom of the image are symbols of good luck; among them some of the Seven Jewels. These objects include, coral, elephants tusks, and the earrings of royalty. Peaches and pearls can also be seen which are used in medicine.

-The blue figure is a daka, a spirit who protects humans. The daka is holding a Chinese ju-i a mushroom sceptre which symbolizes longevity.






This site was created by Sarah Rowe at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.