Milarepa and Scenes from His Life, Eastern Tibet, Late 18th to early 19th Century

-Milarepa's hands are in a meditation gesture.

-Milarepa's father passed away when he was young and his inheritance was stolen by his aunt and uncle.

-To take revenge, his mother sent him to learn black magic.

-After learning this system, Milarepa was able to set his aunt and uncle's house on fire. This situation is depicted to the right of his head.

-Milarepa is also able to create natural weather events. He starts the hailstorm in the upper right hand corner.

-In his later years, Milarepa felt remorse for his actions. He sought out a spiritual teacher to help him repent.


This site was created by Sarah Rowe at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.