Shakyamuni Buddha Attaining Parinirvana
Central Regions, Tibet or Eastern Tibet
Late 19th to early 20th Century

-This is a springtime scene.

-The Buddha is about to pass out of this world in this image.

-The Buddha is at peace with his departure from the world. The Buddha is joined by fourteen figures. The figures in the front are monks.

-There is a crematorium in the upper right of the image. There are seven offerings as well as monks and malas around the crematorium.

-On the left are eight gold boxes filled with Buddha's relics. There are also five sensory offerings on this table.

-There are three deities in the upper right hand corner who are holding a flask, a banner, and an umbrella. They may be announcing the arrival of Buddha's mother.

-At the bottom of the painting are monks who are sharing Buddhist doctrine with one another.


This site was created by Sarah Rowe at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.