Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 1: August 30, September 1
Read: Miner, "Body Ritual among the Nacirema" (ERes article)
Evans-Pritchard, "Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events" (ERes article)
1. What suggestions does Miner's presentation of the Nacirema give us for understanding different cultures? What kinds of perspectives on a culture can an outsider have?
2. What, according to Evans-Pritchard, can witchcraft explain for the Azande? What can't it explain?
3. Based on these readings, how would you define culture? How does it shape our views of the world and behavior?
Please write your journal entry in response to some aspect of the questions listed below. Be sure to refer as specifically as possible to the ideas raised by the readings. Provide page references or quotes as necessary.
Do you (or someone you know well) hold any beliefs that others might say are irrational or at least unable to be proven, much like Evans-Pritchard views Zande magic? How might Evans-Pritchard explain why someone would hold these beliefs? What would be your response to and assessment of his claims? Why do you think people come to believe what they do?
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