Professor Ann Marie Leshkowich is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research focuses on gender, economic transformation, neoliberalism, middle classness, fashion, social work, and adoption in Vietnam. Leshkowich earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University.
Her publications include:
Essential Trade: Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace. University of Hawai'i Press, 2014. Winner, Harry J. Benda Prize of the Association for Asian Studies, 2016.
"Standardized Forms of Vietnamese Selfhood: An Ethnographic Genealogy of Documentation." American Ethnologist 41(1): 143-162, 2014.
Neoliberalism in Vietnam. Special issue of positions: asia critique 20(2). Co-edited with Christina Schwenkel, Spring 2012.
"Making Class and Gender: (Market) Socialist Enframing of Traders in Ho Chi Minh City." American Anthropologist 113(2): 277-290, 2011.
"Wandering Ghosts of Late Socialism: Conflict, Metaphor, and Memory in a Southern Vietnamese Marketplace." Journal of Asian Studies 67(1): 5-41, 2008.
"Woman, Buddhist, Entrepreneur: Gender, Moral Values, and Class Anxiety in Late Socialist Vietnam." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1(1-2): 277-313, 2006.
Niessen, Leshkowich, and Jones (eds), Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress. Berg, 2003.
Leshkowich and Jones, "What Happens When Asian Chic Becomes Chic in Asia? Fashion Theory 7 (3/4): 281-300, 2003.
(Complete list of publications with links to selected pdfs.)