Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 2: September 4, 6, and 8
Read: Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death
Miller, "The Young and the Restless in Trinidad" (ERes article)
1. Postman argues that in different societies at different times, "the medium is the metaphor." What does he mean? Do you agree with his claims that the technology of communication shapes both the content of what can be communicated and the ways in which we think? Why or why not?
2. What are Postman's concerns about television? Is he anti-tv? Why or why not?
3. What, according to Postman, are the differences between a print culture (such as "typographic America") and the media culture of today? Do you find his logic and evidence persuasive? Why or why not?
4. What are the differences between Orwell's and Huxley's visions of the future? Which does Postman find to be of greater concern? Why?
5. In the twenty years following the publication of this book, new forms of communication and media have emerged, such as cell phones, the internet (the web, IMing, facebook, podcasts, blogs, etc.), ipods, and video games. What might Postman argue about these technologies of communication? Would you agree with his assessments? Why or why not?
6. What effects has television had on religion and politics, according to Postman? Do you agree with his assessments?
7. How has television shaped teaching? What is Postman's critique of Sesame Street and other "educational" television shows?
8. Why has the "Young and the Restless" become so popular in Trinidad? What does this suggest about the relationship between global media forms and local cultures?
9. Imagine that Daniel Miller has been asked to write a book review of Amusing Ourselves to Death. On what points would he agree with Postman? On what would he disagree? Why?
Journal entry: E-media Fast (due in class on Monday, 9/11)
All FYP faculty and students will be undertaking an electronic media fast for 24 hours. The goal of the fast is to get a different perspective on Postman's argument by experiencing firsthand what our lives feel like without the diversions of electronic devices and the entertainment that they deliver.
The fast will start on Thursday, 9/7 at 6pm and end on Friday, 9/8 at 6pm. During this time, you may not use or access electronic media and electronic devices, including (but not limited to): computers, internet, email, ipods and mp3 players, CDs, DVDs, videotapes, video games, cell phones, television, and radio. The one exception would be an emergency situation, in which case you may of course use a cell phone as needed.
While you undertake the fast, keep a running log of what you are doing. How are you spending your time? Are there occasions in which you come close to breaking the fast? Why? What does it feel like to go through a day without access to electronic media and devices? How do your experiences lead you to evaluate Postman's argument about the effects of media as entertainment on our views of the world?
For more information, contact: