Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 1: January 17, 19
Read: Walley, "Searching for 'Voices': Feminism, Anthropology, and the Global Debate over Female Genital Operations" (article)
Ahmadu, "Rites and Wrongs: An Insider/Outsider Reflects on Power and Excision" (article)
1. According to Ahmadu, how is female genital cutting connected to notions of gender, particularly femininity, nature, and culture?
2. What was Ahmadu's experience of the particular procedure that she underwent? How does she compare her experience to those of other women and girls? What do you think of her argument about excision and women's power?
3. What is the role of mothers in Ahmadu's account?
4. Ahmadu concludes by reflecting on the future of female genital cutting and offering suggestions about its medical management. Do you find her suggestions useful?
5. Walley identifies the key question in the debate about female genital operations as, "...why is there a tendency to understand female genital operations in 'either/or' terms, in other words, in terms of either cultural relativism or politically-informed outrage?" (406) Why does she suggest that questioning notions of culture is central to answering this question? What do you think of her argument?
6. In this debate, terminology matters. What are the different terms used for the procedures described, and what ideas are associated with them?
7. How does Walley's account of the links between female genital operations and Sabaot (Kenya) kinship and gender ideologies compare to Ahmadu's depiction of these issues among the Kono (Sierra Leone)?
8. What is Walley's critique of Alice Walker's movie, Warrior Marks (part of which we saw in class)? Do you agree?
Journal Entry: Your Views (due by 6pm, Sunday, January 21. Please email your entry to aleshkow[at] What are your views on female genital cutting? How have they been affected by the readings? Be sure to refer as specifically as possible to the ideas raised by the readings. Provide page references or quotes as necessary.
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