Amy Jane Priest
Centennial Middle School

Himalayan Geography: Human Environment Interaction




Questions guiding the unit design:

Prior knowledge:

5 themes of geography: location, place, region, human-environment interaction, movement; map vocabulary


What is a physical system?

What are some of the physical systems in the Himalayan region?

What are important resources within this region?

What do the resources mean to the humans in this region?

How has the distribution of resources in the region affected human systems?

What is a human system?

How have humans depended on the environment in the Himalaya region?

How have humans adapted to the environment in the Himalaya region?

How have humans affected the environment in the Himalaya region?

What technology has been used by people in the Himalayas to modify their environment?

How has the diversity of the Himalaya region contributed to human activities?

Physical: geographical, geological, biological, climate, environmental

Human: linguistic, religious, economic, political development

How have natural hazards affected human activities in the region?


This site was created by (insert name) at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006