Name Son-Mey Chiu
School Boston Latin School
Project Title Buddhism through Art



Understanding Goal One

To get acquainted with the Silk Road

Lesson 1

Performance of Understanding:

  • Students view the episode in the Silk Road video series:   The Ancient Glory of Changan to understand the origin and the historical development of the first international trade route in the ancient world from Changan/Xian, China to Rome. Students also learn how Chinese culture was transformed by not only the merchandize but also the art, ideas and cultures of distant lands.  The following map will be projected with a transparency onto a 6'x6' felt hanging on the wall. Students divided into 3 groups will document the various branches of the Silk Road and the important Buddhist sites.

  • Students will read Essay #4, Religion along the Silk Road, from Guide for Educators, published by the China Institute in America. The reading will provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of Buddhism and Buddhist art which will be explored in future lessons.
  • Students will do research with the website on the Silk Road . They will research further on the history, the topography and people of different cultures along this ancient trade route.

Ongoing Assessment

Students keep reports and journals.   They are also engaged in inquiry and discussions.




This site was created by (insert name) at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006