Name Susan Barton Young
School Deering High School
Project Title Kali: Cross-Cultural (Mis)Understandings


Some Activities:

1.  “Big Map”:  Using an overhead projector, have students create an over-sized map of India, and then use various atlases and other resources to locate the major Buddhist pilgrimage sites (Lumbini [in current-day Nepal], Bodhgaya; Varanasi [Benares]; as well as Japan, Burma (now Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, etc.

2.  Understanding Symbols:
Trace the “pierrot”/clown/Christ connections, especially between pages 33-99.
Create a graphic organizer, where the students can write the page number and textual reference in the left-hand column, and the significance/interpretation on the right.
The references include:
33             “That pierrot” –what Mitsuko calls Otsu
51             mention of Roualt prints (Rouault is famous for clown-pictures; see
75             Numada’s bird looked like a “pierrot”
76             Pierrot-bird cries “I’m lonely”
77             Pierrot-bird is an annoyance & nuisance, “as Jesus had been”
                 Clowns = symbol of Christ
79             “Pierrot” that Roualt had drawn
82             Numada’s conviction that his mynah bird had “died for him”
99             Gaston looked like a “pierrot in a circus,” he is mocked and made a fool of,
                 and be believes in God
103           Gaston had soaked up all the anguish in Tsukada’s heart
Have students draft a topic sentence about what the pierrot/clown imagery might symbolize.
Homework:  Have students complete an 8-10 sentence paragraph about clown imagery.

3.  Create WATO-character charts for Otsu and Mitsuko.

4.  Have students do mini-research projects (topics:  Indira Gandhi; Kali; castes/untouchables; the life of the Buddha; “suffering servant” imagery in the Biblical Book of Isaiah; the Burma Trail)

This site was created by (Susan Barton Young) at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006