Name Susan Barton Young
School Deering High School
Project Title Kali: Cross-Cultural (Mis)Understandings


1.  Horror:  Dan Simmons, Song of Kali.  New York:  Tor Books, 1985.

Plot Summary:  an American poet travels with his Indian wife and their baby to Calcutta. He's supposed to be picking up an Indian writer's epic poem cycle about the goddess Kali, an ancient Indian deity of evil whose only clothing is a girdle made of dead men's hands. When he arrives, however, he finds the poet has disappeared under mysterious circumstances involving a cult that worships the goddess.

Song of Kali is currently in production as a horror movie release.




This site was created by (Susan Barton Young) at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006