literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayn region

Robert Langston



Reading for “Art, Literature and Religions of the Himalayas

Devji, Faisal, Translated Pleasures: Shazia Sikander (Chicago, Renaissance Society at University of Chicago, 1999)

Eck, Diana “Darśan: seeing the Divine Image in India(New York, Columbia University Press 1998)

Hilton, James, Lost Horizon (New York:William Morrow and Company,1933)

Hughes, John, Self Realization in Kashmir Shaivism,The Oral Teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo (Albany: State University of New York Press,1994)

Jones, Ken, The New Social Face of Buddhism, A Call to Action (Boston:Wisdom Publications 2003)

Kipling, Rudyard, Kim (England: Penguin Books, 1987) Introduction by Edward W Said

Kossak, Steven M. and Jane Casey,  Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet ( New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 )

Kreijger, Hugo E., Tibetan Painting: the Jucker Collection (Boston, Shambala, 2001)

Lewis, Todd Thornton, The Tuladhars of Kathmandu: A Study of Buddhist tradition in a Newar Merchant Community (Columbia University, 1984)

Lopez, Jr., Donald, Prisoners of Shangri-La (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1998)

Paine, Jeffery, Re-enchantment, Tibetan Buddhism Comes to the West (New York:W. W. Norton and Company, 2004)

Pal, Pratapaditya Desire and Devotion: Art from India, Nepal and Tibet: the John and Berthe Ford Collection”( London, Philip Wilson Publishers LTD, 2001)

Pal, Pratapaditya and  Vidya Dehejia, From Merchants to Emporers: British Artists and India 1757-1930 ( Ithica, Cornell University Press, 1986)

Patrul Rinpoche, Words of my Perfect Teacher (London, Altimira Press, 1998)

Riggs, Nicole, Milarepa: Songs on the Spot (Eugene: Dharma Cloud, 2003 )

Singer, Jane Casey and Philip Denwood, Tibetan Art: Toward a Definition of Style ( London, Laurence King Publishing, 1997)

Snellgrove, David, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors (Boston: Shambala Publications, 1987)

Thapa, Manushree, The Tutor of History (India: Penguin Books,2001)

Upadhyay, Samrat, Arresting God in Kathmandu (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001)

Upadhyay, Samrat, The Guru of Love (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003)





This site was created by [INSERT NAME] at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.