The Anthropological Method
I. Subjective vs. objective knowledge
A. Defining objective and subjective knowledge
B. Anthropology: All knowledge is situated
C. Centrality of fieldwork
II. Analysis and data collection
A. Tylor and Morgan as scientific, armchair anthropologists
B. A.C. Haddon's Torres Straits Expedition, 1898-1899(For a map of the Torres Straits region, click here.)
1. "unprecedently comprehensive anthropological study"
2. ethnology, psychology, linguistics, sociology, dance, color perception, ethno-astronomy, material culture, social organization, physical anthropology, ethno-musicology
3. Four physicians, four social anthropologists, physical anthropologist, linguist, photographer
III. Malinowski and scientific fieldwork
A. Credited with establishing fieldwork as central to anthropology
B. Personal data
1. Born 1884 in Poland.C. Society as organism
2. Ph.D. in math and physics, University of Krakow
3. Reads Frazer's Golden Bough, becomes anthropologist
4. Stranded in Australia during WWI
5. Three trips to Trobriand Islands over 6 years1. Skeleton: group organization. Charts, statistics, maps.D. Goal of fieldwork; "to grasp the native's point of view, his relation to life, to realise his vision of his world" (Argonauts, 25).
2. Flesh and blood: imponderabilia of daily life, what people do. Minute observations of daily life.
3. Spirit: Native's point of view, corpus inscriptionum. Collection of statements, narratives, folklore, magical formulae collected in native language.1. Long-term
2. Immersion
3. Specific location, specific group
4. Avoid missionaries and Europeans
IV. Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Scientific Anthropology
A. Malinowski: fieldwork as scientific in its own right1. systematic collection of materialsB. Malinowski's Diaries: how much subjectivity is too much?
2. specificity of fieldwork experience is explicit1. Published in 1967 (25 years after Malinowski's death)C. Fieldwork as loss of self
2. Racist, sexist.
3. Parallel with Conrad's Heart of Darkness
4. Self psychoanalysis
5. "Macho" aspects of fieldwork today1. Kondo's existential crisis
2. fusion of experience and theory
V. Malinowski and Relativism
A. Cultural relativism: suspend our beliefs to learn about others
B. Moral relativism: can't judge one society by another's standards1. Critique of Moral RelativismC. Balancing cultural and moral relativism
2. Example: Female circumcision, genital mutilation, genital cutting
VI. From Small-scale to Large-scale
A. Urban research in Ho Chi Minh City
B. Fieldwork in shorter chunks
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