Anthropology 268
Economic Anthropology
Spring 2018

Study-Guide Essay Questions for Final Exam


Format of the Final Exam: The final exam consists of three parts. Parts 1-2 are essays, while Part 3 consists of identification terms.

PART 1 (40 points): A required essay on a topic synthesizing material from the entire semester. In your answer, you must discuss three authors or examples chosen from the list provided, at least one of which must be from before the midterm and one after.

PART 2: (one essay, 40 points): The essay questions in this section will focus on the second half of the course. You must write on one of the questions provided. Your essay must include discussion of two examples from readings or lectures. For Part 2, you are free to choose any two examples relevant to your argument, but some suggestions will be provided to guide you.

PART 3 (20 points): Identify 5 out of 8 terms chosen from the list posted to the website. For each term, explain what it means, where it comes from, and why it is significant in the context of the themes covered in class.

Note #1: Your essays, both in Part 1 and Part 2, may not repeat examples from the other essay. If you repeat material, points will be deducted from your essay grade.

Note #2: In the questions below, different items separated by a slash should be treated as a single example. You can discuss one or more of the items separated by slashes, but, either way, you will get credit for only one example. If you repeat material, points will be deducted from your essay grade.

The following is a selection of final exam review questions, some of which have appeared on past exams. In thinking through possible answers for these questions in preparation for the midterm, pay particular attention to formulating a clear, interesting, and arguable thesis statement. For more information about thesis statements, see the guidelines for response papers. Please keep in mind that, just as with response papers, the most compelling arguments evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, or significance of the evidence or logic of the authors cited as the means for developing and supporting your own interpretation.


ESSAY QUESTIONS FOR PART 1 (broad, synthesizing essay): choose three authors from the list provided, at least one of which must be from List A and one of which must be from List B. Please be sure that you choose different authors for your essay in Part 2.

1.1. Has the globalization of capitalism largely supported Marx's claim that economic structures produce superstructures, or has it provided evidence suggesting that Weber was correct in seeing economics as in some measure dependent on a cultural ethos? Discuss with reference to three of the following authors, at least one from List A and at least one from List B:
List A: Besky, Mauss/Malinowski/Sahlins, Weber
List B: Mintz, Taussig, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho.

1.2. A central assertion of this course has been that we need to explore economics as a cultural system. Imagine that you have been asked to deliver a substantive lecture explaining the history of this assertion and to explore its implications. Questions to address include: Is economics a cultural system? Why or why not? With what significance? What contributions has economic anthropology made to our understanding of economics? Choose three authors to discuss, at least one from List A and at least one from List B:
List A: Mitchell, Besky, Mauss/Malinowski, Polanyi/Sahlins, Weber
List B: Mintz, Taussig, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho

1.3. We have learned in this class that economics involves three separate, but inter-related realms of activity: production, circulation, and consumption. How have three anthropologists or social theorists evaluated the significance of these realms for shaping not just economic systems, but social relationships and cultural values? Which approach do you find most valuable, and why? Choose three authors to discuss, at least one from List A and at least one from List B:
(Hint: Be sure to consider how each author views the links between economics and culture, as well as how you conceptualize this relationship as a result of analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, or significance of the three authors' perspectives.)
List A: Besky, Mauss/Malinowski, Polanyi/Sahlins, Weber
List B: Mintz, Taussig, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho



2.1 Is the global spread of capitalism a force for social and cultural homogenization or heterogenization? How might anthropology contribute to an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages to economic development and today's increasingly interconnected global economy? Discuss with reference to two authors we have read. Suggested authors are: Taussig, Mintz, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho

2.2 Do processes of economic development and globalization affect men and women differently? In what ways? How should anthropologists understand the links between status, gender, morality, work, and value? Discuss with reference to two examples from the readings and lectures we have encountered in this class. Suggested authors/topics to include are: Besky, Taussig, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho

2.3. What has been the role of the concept of resistance in economic anthropology? Why has this concept been so important, and what should anthropologists consider when they explore it? Discuss with reference to two authors we have read. Suggested authors are: Besky, Taussig, Mintz, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho

2.4. Do markets make people, do people make markets, or both? In what ways, and with what consequences? Discuss how two authors we have read have considered the connection between economics and forms of selfhood or subjectivity. Suggested authors are: Besky, Weber, Taussig, Mintz, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho

2.5 Perhaps the thinker who has had the most influence on economic anthropology has been Karl Marx. What has been the legacy of Marx's arguments about production, circulation, and consumption? (Hint: you may wish to pick one or two key concepts from Marx that have been central to the two authors you discuss.) In your opinion, has his intellectual influence been useful or not (and why)? Now that communism no longer seems to present a practical alternative to capitalism, how should anthropologists evaluate Marx? Discuss with reference to two authors we have read. Suggested authors are: Besky, Weber, Taussig, Mintz, Ong, Freeman, Leshkowich, Ho


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