Anthropology 268
Economic Anthropology
Spring 2018
MWF 11:00-11:50

Study Guide Questions for Readings
January 29 (M)

Read: Farmer, "On Suffering and Structural Violence: A View From Below" (Moodle article)
Walley, "Trump's Election and the 'White Working Class': What we missed" (Moodle article)
Ho, "Markets, Myths, and Misrecognitions: Economic Populism in the Age of Financialization and Hyperinequality" (Moodle article)

1. According to Farmer, what is structural violence? What are its causes, and who gets hurt?

2. What explanations does Farmer give for the suffering of Acephie Joseph and Chouchou Louis?

3. Why does Walley argue that representations of class in the 2016 US presidential election were reductionist? How does she propose that we understand class, particularly in terms of members of demographic groups that appeared to have voted for Donald Trump? Why do definitions matter?

4. What does Ho see as the effects of a narrative of decline in fostering a particular kind of populism? What links does she see between rhetoric of multiculturalism and financialization? What role does she see economic anthropology playing in tracing the effects of contemporary socioeconomic practices and ideologies?

5. What is shareholder value? What effects has this ideology had, according to Ho?


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