Anthropology 268
Economic Anthropology
Spring 2018
MWF 11:00-11:50

Study Guide Questions for Readings
January 26 (F)

Read: Nash, "The Meaning and Scope of Economic Anthropology" (Moodle)
Mitchell, "The Character of Calculability" from Rule of Experts, pp. 80-98 (Moodle)

1. What, according to Nash, is the difference between economics and economic anthropology? How does he think the two fields should relate to each other?

2. What, according to Mitchell, is the history behind the idea of "the economy"? Do you find this history surprising?

3. Why are maps key to the creation of "the economy," according to Mitchell?

4. What does Mitchell mean by the "character of calculability"? What does he argue this should lead us to understand about economics?



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