Anthropology 268
Economic Anthropology
Spring 2018
MWF 11:00-11:50

Study Guide Questions for Readings
March 26 (M) - April 4 (W)

Read: Taussig, The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America, chapters 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and conclusion

1. Taussig writes in his preface, "The devil is a stunningly apt symbol of the alienation experienced by peasants as they enter the ranks of the proletariat...." (xi). Why? What are the causes and effects of this alienation? How does the devil symbolize it?

2. How does Taussig's account of sugar production compare to Mintz's? What does each see as the main economic, social, and cultural effects of this production?

3. How does Taussig use Marx's notions of use value, exchange value, and commodity fetishism? Do you find his argument convincing? Why or why not?

4. As Taussig describes it, what is the relationship between money/commodities and religion/morality? How does his account compare to Weber's? To Besky's?

5. Based on Taussig's account, how would you assess the impact of Spanish colonialism on South America?



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