Anthropology 269
Fashion and Consumption
Spring 2019

Study Guide Questions for Readings
February 8 (F) - February 11 (M)

Read: Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class chap. 4-7, pp. 60-131 (Moodle article)

1. How are consumption and status linked, according to Veblen? What does he mean by conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure? Who performs these activities at different points in human history, and why are they significant?

2. How does Veblen characterize the relationship between men and women? What are the economic, social, and cultural factors shaping this relationship? What role does consumption play in these relationships?

3. What kinds of characterizations and assumptions does Veblen make about human nature? What role do these assumptions play in his argument? Do you agree with his characterizations?

4. In the first week of class, we saw that consumption has risen steadily with income over the past seventy years in the US. What would be Veblen's explanation for this trend? Do you agree with his argument?

5. In what ways does Veblen support a "trickle down" theory of fashion? Do you agree that lower status groups try to emulate higher status groups? What examples can you provide to support your argument?


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