Anthropology 320
Theory in Anthropology
Fall 2014
Mondays, 3-5:30 pm

Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 8: November 3

Read: Stoler, Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power (entire book, but pay particular attention to chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and the epilogue)

1. What does Stoler see as the connection between power and knowledge in the colonial context? What role do sex and sexuality play in that relationship?

2. How does Stoler's conception of biopolitics compare to Foucault's?

3. What are the differences in memories between Dutch and their Indonesian servants? What does attention to colonial memories reveal?

4. What problems does Stoler see in Foucault's conceptualization of race and colonial power in his analysis of Western European sexuality?

5. Based on your reading of Stoler, how should anthropologists go about studying postcolonial societies? What kinds of questions should her work prompt us to ask?


Response Paper #6: Sexuality, Race, and Colonial Power: Comparing Foucault and Stoler
Imagine that you've been asked to write a brief review essay evaluating Stoler's interpretation of Foucault's theory about sexuality, knowledge, and power. Your essay should consist of the following parts: a brief overview of the important elements and significance of Foucault's theory about sexuality, knowledge, and power, an explanation of the ways in which Stoler develops and departs from Foucault's insights in her study of colonial power relations and issues of intimacy, a concrete example from Stoler's book that illustrates her theory, and your own critical commentary on the strengths, weaknesses, and value of Stoler's contribution. (Hint: Be sure that this last part of your essay also serves as the basis for a central argument that is conveyed in a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.)


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