Anthropology 170
Contemporary Asia
Fall 2018
MWF 11:00-11:50am

Response Paper Guidelines

Professor Ann Marie Leshkowich
Beaven 230
Office Hours: M 10-10:45, 1-2; W 1-4; F 1-2; other times by appointment. (Please note that office hours may occasionally change; if so, the changes will be announced in class and via email.)


Assignment Objectives

The assignments for this class reflect a basic philosophy: Thinking is writing, and writing is thinking. What these statements mean is that writing is not a mechanical activity separate from critical thinking. Rather, it is an integral part of developing your ideas. The act of expressing ideas in writing forces us to develop those ideas as clearly as possible, to take a jumble of fragments and unexpressed concepts and order them into coherent, logical prose. Seeing ideas take shape on the page allows us to assess them and refine them by interrogating them: Are they really what I think? Is this the best way to express my ideas? What are the logical connections between these different points? Do these points raise other ideas that I need to consider?

In grading papers, I look for five things:

WRITING SKILLS (grammar, mechanics, spelling)

When I grade response papers, I view them as a snapshot. Like a snapshot, they may not accurately reflect you, your overall abilities, or the amount of effort you have put into the course. They do, however, reflect how your ideas came together at a specific moment in time. By assigning a number of papers over the course of the semester, I seek to compile a collection of snapshots which, viewed in relation to each other, provide an album of your insights, ideas, and reactions to the readings and lectures. I also pay particular attention to things like improvement over time.

While the assignments vary from analysis of an author's argument to your own critical evaluation of a newspaper article, to more open-ended reflections, each asks you to relate your ideas or findings to the course themes and readings. For each assignment, make sure that you formulate a thesis statement, present it in the introductory paragraph, and use it to guide your arguments in the body of your paper. Use these assignments to hone your skills in formulating and supporting anthropological arguments; you'll need these skills for the midterm and final as well.


Arguments and Thesis Statements

Response papers are relatively short, but they each require you to reflect critically on the course's material, themes, and modes of inquiry. Each paper MUST have an introductory paragraph with a clearly articulated thesis that states the argument that the rest of the paper will advance. A thesis statement is not a declaration of fact, a broad claim, or an obvious assertion. A thesis statement is an interesting and specific contention about which one can reasonably debate and disagree. A thesis statement also serves to orient the reader by highlighting the major themes that will be discussed in the rest of the paper. Each of the assignments for this class will pose questions that are intended to guide you in formulating a provocative and insightful thesis.

For an excellent, detailed discussion of how to formulate a thesis statement, take a look at this guide from Harvard University's Writing Center.


Response Paper Requirements and Grading

The specific assignments for each unit will be posted along with study guide questions for the readings. Unless the assignment indicates otherwise, each paper should be 2-3 double-spaced pages with one-inch margins on all sides and in a standard font, such as Times New Roman 12 point. Assignments are due by email to Professor Leshkowich before class. There are ten assigned papers, of which you must complete six. Each of the six assignments will be worth five points, for a total of 30% of your course grade. One extra paper can be completed, in which case the highest six grades will count as your total. Late papers will not be accepted.

Response papers are graded on a five-point scale. While reasons for a grade vary according to the particular strengths and weaknesses of each paper, there are some general characteristics that the different grades share.

3.4 and below: These papers are equivalent to the D range (3.0-3.4) or F (2.9 and below). Response papers in this range either have no thesis or else have one that is strikingly vague, broad, or uninteresting. There is little indication that the writer understands the material being presented. The main topic of the assignment may not be addressed, or may only have been addressed in a brief, cursory manner. The ideas presented are not explicitly linked to the readings or themes discussed in class, which makes the reader wonder whether the author has indeed done the reading. The paragraphs do not hold together; ideas do not develop from sentence to sentence. This paper usually repeats the same thoughts again and again, perhaps in slightly different language but often in the same words. Papers in this range often contain numerous errors in grammar or in spelling.

3.5-3.9: These papers are equivalent to the C range. Response papers in this range have a thesis, but it is vague and broad, or else it is uninteresting or obvious. The paper does not advance an argument that anyone might care to debate. The thesis may hang on a personal opinion that is not sufficiently justified by the evidence provided. A 3.5-3.9 paper tends not to link the ideas presented to the readings or themes discussed in class, which makes the reader wonder whether the author has indeed done the reading. The paper often has mechanical faults, such as errors in grammar and spelling, but a paper without such flaws may still be a 3.5-3.9 paper.

4.0-4.4: These papers are equivalent to a B-, B, or B+. Most papers fall in this range. The reader of a 4.0-4.4 response paper knows exactly what the author wants to say. It is well organized, it presents a worthwhile and interesting idea, and the idea is supported by sound evidence presented in a neat and orderly way. The reader does not have to read a paragraph two or three times to get the thought that the writer is trying to convey. The 4.0-4.4 paper is usually mechanically correct. The spelling is good, and the punctuation is accurate. Above all, the paper makes sense throughout. It has a thesis that is limited and worth arguing, although the author may not sufficiently explain why this argument is significant. Where the 4.0-4.4 paper runs into some trouble is in exploring the complexity or significance of the author's ideas. Links to points from readings or lectures may be raised, but they might be cursory. The 4.0-4.4 paper has good promise, but fails to realize it fully, either through the development of the central argument or in linking it to broader issues explored in class.

4.5-4.6: These papers are equivalent to an A-. They are very good, in that they have all the positive qualities of the 4.0-4.4 paper, but also are lively, insightful, perhaps even exciting. The thesis statement is clear and interesting, sometimes even provocative. Everything seems to fit the thesis, and the ideas presented deepen in complexity as the paper continues. Insights from the readings or lecture are incorporated, not in the pro forma way sometimes encountered in the 4.0-4.4 paper, but in ways that foster the development of the author's own ideas. 4.5-4.6 papers make a clear impression on the reader.

4.7-5.0: These papers are an unequivocal A. A paper in this range has all of the qualities of the 4.5 or 4.6 paper, but takes them to an even more sophisticated level. This paper clearly shows a creative and original thinker at work. The prose is elegant, and the ideas are sophisticated, with remarkable clarity of logic and organization. This paper has a thesis which is provocative and which allows the author to explore the complexity of the issues raised, often through incorporation of several different perspectives. The 4.7 and higher paper usually presents a perspective which the reader may not have considered before, or it presents a familiar argument in particularly striking ways. This is the kind of paper that the reader remembers and wants to share with others. There are usually no more than one or two 4.7 or higher papers per assignment.


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