Anthropology 170
Contemporary Asia
Fall 2018
MWF 11-11:50 am

Study Guide Questions for Readings


August 31 (F)

Said, Orientalism, pp. 1-28 (Moodle article)
Anderson, "Census, Map, Museum," chapter 10 from Imagined Communities (Moodle article)
Strassler, Refracted Visions, Introduction (Moodle Article)

1. What does Said identify as the three primary forms of Orientalism? How are they connected to each other?

2. Why, according to Said, is all knowledge about the Orient political? What are the advantages and disadvantages to this perspective?

3. What does Anderson argue is the relationship between colonialism and nationalism in the postcolonial states of Southeast Asia?

4. Anderson argues that the nature of nationalism is evident in the census, maps, and museums. How? Provide concrete examples for each case.

5. How, according to Strassler, is photography central to the imagining of Indonesia as a nation? How does her sense of nationalism compare to Anderson's?


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