First Year Program 102-01 and -02
Morality and Culture
Spring 2007
MWF 10-10:50 and 11-11:50am

Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 14: April 30

Read: No new reading this week

Journal Entry #11: Final Journal Entry (due in class on April 30 and by email to aleshkow[at]

For this entry, address one of the following topics:
(1) What lessons do you want to remember from the course this semester as you look back on it five years from now? What topic will most stick out in your mind, and why? What insights have you gained? Have your perspectives on the world shifted as a result of something we've read or talked about? How and why? Think of this journal entry as a letter about this semester to your future self.
(2) Write about the trip to New York City. What did you learn? What questions did it raise in your mind? How did it relate to the issues we've discussed in class or books we've read?

(Note: If you have completed eight journal entries prior to this one, you do not need to hand in this entry, unless you wish to use it to replace a lower journal entry grade. If you missed more than three journal entries earlier in the semester, then you need to submit this one.)


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