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Essential Trade: Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace.
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2014.
Winner, Harry J. Benda Prize of the Association for Asian Studies, 2016.
Traders in Motion: Identities and Contestations in the Vietnamese Marketplace.
Kirsten W. Endres and Ann Marie Leshkowich, editors.
Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University Press, 2018. Epub.
The Transformation of Vietnamese Studies since 1980: Essays in Honor of Hue-Tam Ho Tai
Special issue of Journal of Vietnamese Studies 12(3), Summer 2017.
Ann Marie Leshkowich, Mark Philip Bradley, and Edward Miller, guest editors.
Neoliberalism in Vietnam
Special issue of positions: asia critique 20(2), Spring 2012.
Christina Schwenkel and Ann Marie Leshkowich, guest editors.
Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress
Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers, 2003.
Sandra Niessen, Ann Marie Leshkowich, and Carla Jones, editors.
2012 Christina Schwenkel and Ann Marie Leshkowich, "Guest Editors' Introduction: How Is Neoliberalism Good to Think Vietnam? How Is Vietnam Good to Think Neoliberalism?" positions: asia critique 20(2): 379-401. Full-text PDF via journal website.
2025 "From Economic Transaction to LGBT Identity: Transformations in Social Work Expertise about Gender and Sexuality in Vietnam during the 2010s." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 20 (1): 100-136. Full-text PDF. ISSN 1559-372X, electronic 1559-3738, copyright 2025 by The Regents of the University of California.
2023 "Affective Expertise: The Gendered Emotional Labor of Social Work and the Naturalization of Class Difference in Ho Chi Minh City." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 18(1-2): 173-202. Full-text PDF. ISSN 1559-372X, electronic 1559-3738, copyright 2023 by The Regents of the University of California.
2023 Martina Thucnhi Nguyen and Ann Marie Leshkowich, "Artful Decoloniality: The Politics of Fashion as Art in 20th and 21st Century Vietnam." Fashion Theory, DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2022.2109690
2020 "Audience." Indonesia 109 (April 2020): 57-63 (editor reviewed). Access via JSTOR.
2017 "On Radicalism and Ethnographic Research on Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Vietnam" Journal of Vietnamese Studies 12(3): 32-44. Full-text PDF.
2017 "Kinship Secrets and Narrative Work: The Shifting Political Economy of Adoption in Vietnam." SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 32(2): 260-290. Full-text PDF.
2014 "Standardized Forms of Vietnamese Selfhood: An Ethnographic Genealogy of Documentation." American Ethnologist 41(1): 143-162. Full-text PDF.
2012 "Rendering Infant Abandonment Technical and Moral: Expertise, Neoliberal Logics, and Class Differentiation in Ho Chi Minh City." positions: asia critique 20(2): 497-526. Full-text PDF.2011 "Making Class and Gender: (Market) Socialist Enframing of Traders in Ho Chi Minh City." American Anthropologist 113(2): 277-290. Full-text PDF.
2008 "Working Out Culture: Gender, Body, and Commodification in a Ho Chi Minh City Health Club." Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 37(1): 49-87. Full-text PDF.
Translated and published as, "Van hoa luyen tap the duc tham my: Gioi co the va van de thuong mai hoa tai mot cau lac bo the duc va tham my o thanh pho Ho Chi Minh." In Hien Dai va Dong Thai cua Truyen Thong o Viet Nam: Nhung Cach Tiep Can Nhan Hoc. Luong Van Hy et al., eds. Nha Xuat Ban Dai Hoc Quoc Gia Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh, 2010.2008 "Entrepreneurial Families in Viet Nam." Education about Asia 13(1): 11-16. Full-text PDF.
2008 "Wandering Ghosts of Late Socialism: Conflict, Metaphor, and Memory in a Southern Vietnamese Marketplace." Journal of Asian Studies 67(1): 5-41. Link to Cambridge University Press Journals Online. Full-text PDF.
2006 "Woman, Buddhist, Entrepreneur: Gender, Moral Values, and Class Anxiety in Late Socialist Vietnam." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1 (1/2): 277-313. Full-text PDF
Copying and permissions notice: Copyright 2006, The Regents of the University of California. Authorization to copy this content beyond fair use (as specified in Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law) for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Regents of the University of California for libraries and other users, provided that they are registered with and pay the specified fee via Rightslink on Caliber ( or directly with the Copyright Clearance Center, Ann Marie Leshkowich and Carla Jones, "What Happens When Asian Chic Becomes Chic in Asia?". Fashion Theory 7 (3/4): 281-300. Also published in Fashion Theory (Brazil) 2 (3/4), 2003. Full-text PDF.
CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES (peer reviewed, unless otherwise noted)
2019 "Fashioning the Field in Vietnam: An Intersectional Tale of Clothing, Femininities, and the Pedagogy of Appropriateness." In Fashion and Beauty in the Time of Asia. S. Heijin Lee, Christina H. Moon, and Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu, eds. New York: New York University Press. Online access; Full-text PDF.
2022 "Market Personhood in Urban Southern Vietnam." In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam. Jonathan D. London, ed. Routledge (editor reviewed). DOI: 10.4324/9781315762302-18.2018 "Introduction: Space, Mobility, Borders, and Trading Frictions" (with Kirsten W. Endres). In Traders in Motion: Identities and Contestations in the Vietnamese Marketplace. Kirsten W. Endres and Ann Marie Leshkowich, eds. Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University Press. Epub.
2013 "Tieu thuong - Petty Trader." In Figures of Southeast Asian Modernity. Erik Harms, Johan Lindquist, and Joshua Barker, eds. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, pp. 49-25. Full-text PDF.
2012 "Finances, Family, Fashion, Fitness, and ...Freedom? The Changing Lives of Urban Middle-Class Vietnamese Women." In The Reinvention of Distinction: Modernity and the Middle Class in Urban Vietnam. Van Nguyen Marshall, Lisa B. Welch Drummond, and Daniele Belanger, eds. ARI-Springer, 95-113. Full-text PDF.
2009 "Fashioning Appropriate Youth in 1990s Vietnam." In The Fabric of Cultures: Fashion, Identity, and Globalization. Eugenia Paulicelli and Hazel Clark, eds. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 92-111. Full-text PDF.
2005 "Feminine Disorder: State Campaigns against Street Traders in Socialist and Late Socialist Viet Nam." In Le Viet Nam au Feminin: Viet Nam: Women's Realities. Gisele Bousquet and Nora Taylor, eds. Les Indes Savantes: Paris, pp. 187-207. Full-text PDF.
2003 "The Ao Dai Goes Global: How International Influences and Female Entrepreneurs Have Shaped Vietnam's 'National Costume.'" In Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress. Sandra Niessen, Ann Marie Leshkowich, and Carla Jones, eds. Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers, pp. 79-115. Full-text PDF. Reprinted in The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion: A Reader. Brent Luvaas and Joanne B. Eicher, eds. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
2003 Carla Jones and Ann Marie Leshkowich, "Introduction: The Globalization of Asian Dress: Re-Orienting Fashion or Re-Orientalizing Asia?" In Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress. Sandra Niessen, Ann Marie Leshkowich, and Carla Jones, eds. Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers, pp. 1-48. Full-text PDF. Reprinted in The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion: A Reader. Brent Luvaas and Joanne B. Eicher, eds. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
2004 "Ao Dai." Entry in Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. Valerie Steele, Christopher Breward, Joanne B. Eicher, and John S. Major, eds. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Revised and republished in 2006 as "Of Tradition and Hybridity: A Brief History of the Ao Dai." In Ao Dai: A Modern Design Coming of Age. Exhibition catalog, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles.
2020 Review of Tu Phuong Nguyen, Workplace Justice: Rights and Labour Resistance in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Studies 79(4): 1056-1057. 2017 Review of Minh-Ha T. Pham, Asians Wear Clothes on the Internet: Race, Gender, and the Work of Personal Style Blogging. Media Industries 4(1): DOI: 2016 Review of Reina Lewis, Muslim Fashion: Contemporary Style Cultures. International Journal of Fashion Studies 3(2): 323-325. 2015 Review of Tine Gammeltoft, Haunting Images: A Cultural Account of Selective Reproduction in Vietnam. American Ethnologist 42(2): 395-397.
2023 Review of Harriet Phinney, Single Mothers and the State's Embrace: Reproductive Agency in Vietnam. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 54(3): 563-565.2015 Review of Allison J. Truitt, Dreaming of Money in Ho Chi Minh City. Journal of Asian Studies 74(3): 791-792.
2015 Review of Katherine Earl, Vietnam's New Middle Classes: Gender, Career, CitySojourn 30(2): 584-586.
2011 Review of Hy V. Luong, Tradition, Revolution, and Market Economy in a North Vietnamese Village, 1925-2006. Journal of Asian Studies 70(3): 896-898.
2011 Review of David Hunt, Vietnam's Southern Revolution: From Peasant Insurrection to Total War, 1959-1968. H-Diplo Roundtable, March 2011.
2010 Review of Christina Schwenkel, The American War in Contemporary Vietnam: Transnational Remembrance and Representation. American Anthropologist 112(4): 680-681.
2007 Review of Nhung Tuyet Tran and Anthony Reid, eds. Viet Nam: Borderless Histories. Journal of Asian Studies 66(4): 1222-1224.
2007 Review of Philip Taylor, Goddess on the Rise: Pilgrimage and Popular Religion in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1(3): 195-197.
2004 Review of Bonnie Adrian, Framing the Bride: Globalizing Beauty and Romance in Taiwan's Bridal Industry. Visual Anthropology Review 20(1): 91-92.
2002 Review of Philip Taylor, Fragments of the Present: Searching for Modernity in Vietnam's South. American Ethnologist 29(3): 735.
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