MONT 111G Hollywood Meets Latin America 2:
Anglo Images in Latin American Film
Spring 2013

Prof. Cynthia L. Stone. Tel: (508) 793-2272. cstone (at) holycross (dot) edu
Class meeting times: TR 12:30-1:45 PM, Stein 423

Office Hours: W 1:00 PM, Tues. and Thurs. 11:00 AM, Stein 459


Course Information





See detailed course bibliography for a list of other assigned readings



Global Society Description
References to living in a “global society” are part of our daily discourse. What, however, does this phrase mean, and how did we get here? What are the benefits and costs of the circulation of goods, services, ideas and peoples among nations and cultures? How do cultural differences compete and enrich life worldwide? Students and faculty will explore together the moral implications of living in an increasingly global world as well as the many political, economic, social and cultural ramifications of this universal process of globalization.

Global Society Common Events (mandatory attendance--see below)

Montserrat policies regarding common events: A number of cluster and/or seminar events are listed on your syllabus and therefore known to you from the beginning of each semester.  These events may take place outside of normal class time and may appear to interfere with other student commitments, most notably athletics. These Montserrat common events are an important academic component of the course, and the policy, developed in conjunction with the Athletics Department, is that they take priority over sports practice or lifting time (but not games), just as a class meeting would. This is the rule that your coaches will apply. When in doubt, please speak with your seminar professor, one of the Global Society faculty, your coach, Rose Shea, Associate Athletic Director, or Denise Schaeffer, Montserrat Director.

Other Events of Global Interest (all students must attend at least one of the following events and hand in a brief 1-page response before the end of the semester)

Global Society Cluster Faculty and Seminar Titles for Spring 2013
John Anderson – Competition and Cooperation (Powerball, Politics &Poker/ Battle, Bowerbirds, & Bargains) (MWF 10am)
Miles CahillMacroeconomics &Inequality (Economic Growth and Disparity/ Economic Cycles & Pay Gaps) (TR 9:30/11)
Mary ConleyColonialism and Freedom (Reacting to the Colonial Past/ Enduring Legacies of Empire) (MTR: 1:00)
Diane FoxBeyond Hollywood and Headlines (Viet Nam: The Country/ Muslim Worlds: Peoples and Histories)
Claudia Ross/ Baozhang He Chinese Cultures Old & New (Basics of Traditional Chinese Culture/ Screening Chinese Culture)
Maria RodriguesGlobal Crises (Crises & Individual Heroes/ Crisis & Organized Response)  (WF: 12:30, 2:00)
Cynthia StoneHollywood Meets Latin America (Latino Images in US Film/ Anglo Images in Latin Am Film)
Jonathan YoungTraversing the Open Globe (Traveling to the Unknown/ The Unknown Comes Home)
